
Triple Tofu Tower

Sleep with both eyes open. 7 " x 5" Acrylic on canvas.

Man, my eyes are sleepy today. You know, where your mind is just fine, but your eyes just don't feel up to it. This must be what it feels like to be an eyes-wide-open-sleeper.

I just don't feel good, went for a 4-5 mile trail run yesterday and complained most of the time. I guess that whole energy levels increasing with exercise and good diet isn't just a bunch of mumbo-jumbo.

Anyway, I finally switched race teams. Hopefully I can update this.

I may actually do the unthinkable this week, and get on the trainer. Gonna climb at the gym tonight. Daylight saving time sucks.

Supersize me.


Feast in a Bottle

For when you just don't have enough time to prepare that holiday dinner...




Number of days I've been off the bike. I wonder if this has something to do with how bad I felt when I got off of it.

I need some sort of motivation. Spring series is way off, so that's not enough. Maybe the Dirty Du would do, but I hate to show up in mediocre to bad shape.

Two weeks of hard work used to cut it, or so I thought it did 15 years ago. That's hardly enough time to get in shape to start laying base down for next year.

Maybe I need to start thinking of sweet singletrack and start riding it...


UB40 Was Right

Who said I wasn't proactive?! 440 mg of naproxen sodium before bed, and all I now had to deal with was the grogginess and slight cottonmouth.


Binge-ivus is Over

The officials have called it. I got run-ruled this weekend, by about 40 runs. That's what happens when you go to an old friend's party, she serves sangria, and 9 hours later you roll-in back to your house. I don't know what it is about red wine that gives me such a headache, nevermind the hangover. Anyway, that's enough partying to make up for the entire year.

Kind of makes me think of the old Bill Cosby monologue where he has his head in the toilet all because, "I work hard, and I deserve this." My head wasn't in the toilet, but probably only cuz I was too tired to get up.

Didn't get any yardwork done this weekend like I wanted to, but at least went for a 7 mile run Town Lake w/the little lady. She too, was run-ruled this weekend.


Stupid Geometry

Quiet week. Not much to write about.

Mood levels (good being up) are inversely proportional to creativity. Did I say that right?


Jail Bird

"Thank you for registering." That's it, what tha? I hope I'm not committed to this yet. I thought I'd get more warning before filling out my contact info and clicking "Submit".


It's supposed to be one of the hardest races to get into, on par with Kona and Ironman Canada. Normally gotta qualify by placing highly in other national races. Too bad none are nowhere near Texas. But good for me, I work for the title sponsor of this mutha.

I wonder what the next step is. I guess I should figure out if I want to swim in "55 degree, sea-lion infested water."


The Tipenator

Tips got beaten by a little 10 year old this morning. However, he was still good enough for a 2nd place in his age group. Here he is getting strangled with his own hardware.


That VP, Ever the Joker


It's amazing the difference made in your morning mood when you have zero traffic, and zero worry about getting into work late.

Race for the Cure is this Sunday morn'. Company let us wear our t-shirts today. I was about to bust out the Spring Break '94 t-shirt, but figured they only meant our RftC t-shirts.

Cuz I'm freeee, freeee-faaallling...


Wish You Were Here...


One serving of sweet, down-flowing singletrack on deck.


Better to Give Than Receive? Whatever.

How is it that our company can offer a free financial education seminar, and we quickly get 123 people to sign up in one day, yet we can't get even half that turnout for charity events? Over 300 ppl signed up for cheap flu shots, why don't we have 300 donors at our blood drive?

I know the answer, because I'm guilty of it as well...but how can you tap into that energy in order to channel it into more worthwhile causes, other than one's own money?


No Pain, No Gain

4th place. so close, yet so far from that podium. i think i'm the king of 2nd places, or other "just 1 off" placings. i was in the money though, so that was nice. covered my entry fee, plus my little lady's no.1 w/fries, and a diet coke. I'm just that kinda guy...

i however, could not eat my burger or fries. 30 mins after the race, the real pain started. felt like i did that one night at 1:30 am at taco cabana about 10 years ago. I wasn't too happy with TC's style, so i decided to decorate the inside of one of their bathroom stalls.

damn endurolytes are a double-edged sword. i prolly took too many, none more than usual 2 hour race efforts, but it wasn't 100 degrees this time, like those other times. something about electrolyte balancing acts, of the high-wire type. too few and it's leg-cramp-finger-cramp-city, too many and it's sphincter-cramp-stomach-cramp-bathroom-stall-interior-decorating-time.

oh well, that no. 1 and 2 (mustard AND mayo, cuz i roll that way) finally grudgingly shook hands with my stomach right around sun-down. just as the headache-inducing hunger was taking over. it's not cool going with muesli, race gel, and e-load as your only nutrition on a 4500+ calorie day.